From the Desk of the Blogger

For years we have been hearing about the challenges for freedom in the face of globalism and conflict. This blog will explore the prospects of liberty and democracy in the context of immigration, education, diplomacy, philosophy and ideology among other interests and experiences of mine.


Sunday, December 30, 2007

Bloomberg closer to running for president

Talk about a shake-up. It could also be far-fetched.

Although the idea of an independent candidacy is a sign of maturity in our electoral system, a Bloomberg run would hinder a centrist candidate, like Sen. John McCain.

Change Agent?

Thanks to Tim McDonald for bringing this to my attention.

Does Obama's "change and hope" mantra really stand and will he follow through?

Citing interference in Lebanon, France cuts off contact with Syria

This is an excellent policy.

The Bush Administration's determination to not talk to Syria was right on. The failing Democrat-led Congress and its leaders' insistence on dealing with Damascus is foolish.

Vive Sarkozy!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Kenyans vote in test of democracy

Elections are not the only signal of a democracy. More important are the results and guarantees that come out of them.

Benazir Bhutto | 1953-2007

It is a sad day for Pakistan and her democratic process.

I doubt there was involvement by current President Pervez Musharraf though there undoubtedly was terrorism and possibly low-level military involvement.

Now the elections seem unlikely, turmoil has ensued, and the world is reacting in shock and anger.

Regardless of politics, Bhutto was committed to her country.

This year has seen tumultuous events for Pakistan, and this tragedy only exalts the perilous crossroads and implications for freedom.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Iranian Jews find new homes in Israel

To this day the Jews are searching for their homeland. It is unfortunate that they cannot feel at home in this day and age. This should only strengthen our support for Israel.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

I wish all of you a safe, blessed and Merry Christmas with your family and friends. It is during these moments that I realize how fortunate I am to have such amazing relationships and be living in the grandest country on earth.

Forever free,
Carlos Hernandez

Christmas in Bethlehem brings cheer, at last

Uplifting story from a tumultuous region.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Iran cited in Iraq's decline in violence

This is welcomed news. However, we must remain on the defensive against Iran and stand by the Iraqi and their emerging democracy.

Petraeus says he's not interested in presidency

Gen. David Petraeus would indeed make a fine president, cognizant of our mission in Iraq and broader security initiatives and goals around the world.

I find it curious how compared to Latin America, Africa and even parts of Europe, our military checks itself and only provides for our security, never usurping our constitutional republic.

Petraeus is following not only in the example of Gen. William Sherman, but also exercising the hesitance and caution of Gen. George Washington.

A crisis of faith in the birthplace of Asian Catholicism

Exercising religion is one of the most fundamental rights. I had the privilege of visiting a Catholic church in China, and it was certainly an experience - complete with armored guards, closed circuit television and filtered Catholicism.

Karimov seeks to extend his rule in Uzbekistan

Something about autocratic rulers is intriguing. Karimov, however, must go. The Uzbek people deserve better.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Illegals fleeing Arizona amid crackdown

This law may be excessive for some, but it is necessary. For too long, we have not had enough enforcement. I do not foresee a massive exodus of illegals nor an impact on the economy.

Sarkozy, Rudd visit Afghanistan

The NATO commitment in Afghanistan is at a precarious crossroads. If I have one criticism of Iraq, it is that it has shifted focus away from the U.S. role in Afghanistan.

Still, what the Northern Alliance was able to accomplish in the country is remarkable - a functioning government, constitutionalism and newfound freedom.

France's new dynamic president is an archetype of effective Atlanticism. Kevin Rudd of Australia does have a new mandate but he realizes he cannot abandon his nation's crucial part in Afghanistan.

Perhaps the presidential candidates should emulate their leadership and resolution.

Baghdad residents revel in relative peace

This is the sort of news we do not hear about in the media. How fitting that it also appears on a weekend...

Regardless, the surge and our new execution of the war in Iraq is working. Withdrawal is not the answer. We must remain in the country for the stability of the Middle East and the prospect of constitutional democracy there.

If American voters are not fickle next November, we will elect a president who will be committed to the mission and the universal values of freedom and sovereignty.

Blair converts to Catholicism

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has converted to Catholicism. As a Catholic myself, I feel that it is not so much the religion and tradition that helps people enter the Catholic Church, but its universal values and respect for life and liberty.

Deus Lux Mea Est

Friday, December 21, 2007

Secretary Gates' year-in-review

Secretary Gates has been an incredible asset to our defense policy. He has salvaged a mismanaged war in Iraq. He faces many challenges, but he is definitely the man to do the job.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Border arrests drop along new barriers near Yuma

This is a good sign, but definitely not the only solution to our immigration problem.

You can't take Christ out of Christmas

Roland Martin is by far my favorite commentator on CNN. He is eloquent and logical.

In this article he raises a good point: Americans are ignorant of many faiths. More importantly, he focuses on how Christmas has lost its fundamental values.

Once religion falls out of society, it is doomed. Look at the Soviet experiment...

Kissinger endorses McCain

Former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger endorsed Sen. John McCain on December 19th in Massachusetts.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tancredo to drop out of GOP presidential race

CNN has not broken the news yet, but the AP is reporting that Representative Tancredo of Colorado plans to drop out of the race for the GOP presidential nomination tomorrow.

I think he has a better chance running for retiring Senator Wayne Allard's seat.

Immigrant-rights advocates march to City Hall

I support Mayor Gordon's decision to reverse Order 1.4; it is desperately needed, especially if the federal government is not enforcing our immigration laws.

Quietly, the Polish-German border dissolves

First off the allusion to T.S. Eliot's poem The Hollow Men in the first paragraph is fantastic. Borders are crucial to a nation. The EU is subverting national sovereignty and becoming a behemoth supranational entity. A nation is defined by three things: 1) a common language, 2) shared values, and 3) territory. When those spheres are blurred the a nation loses is identity.

At 71, physics professor is a Web star

This is definitely utilizing technology in the classroom. Perhaps more professors and definitely our elementary and high schools should follow his example.

A Tsar is Born

TIME's Person of the Year for 2007 is Vladimir Putin. This is a great choice and reminds us that Russia, though no longer communist, remains intriguing and under the shadow of Stalin.,28804,1690753_1690757_1690766,00.html

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bush to visit Israel, West Bank on 9-day trip

This is a great step forward in the peace process. President Bush's visit to the Middle East is overdue, but he definitely is committing himself to freedom in the region.

Most Saudis oppose al Qaeda

This is definitely a good step. Still, the threat of Islamic extremism remains real both in the physical and ideological realms.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Four Bolivian regions declare autonomy from government

This is a clear sign that Evo Morales is not in the best interest of Bolivia.

McCain endorsements

The Des Moines Register and Boston Globe have come out in support of Sen. McCain.

If Sen. McCain can organize well and ride the momentum, he can definitely do well. It would behoove the GOP to nominate him. It was a mistake not to nominate him in 2000.

I look forward to the McCain presidency.

The man who insists he's the president of Mexico

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador just needs to give up and stop his leftist rhetoric.

The article does a great job of pointing out that a more moderate crop of left-of-center governments are taking control in Latin America as opposed to the venomous socialist rhetoric of Venezuela's Chavez, Bolivia's Morales and Ecuador's Correa.

Musharraf lifts emergency rule

After six weeks, Pervez Musharraf has finally released Pakistan of his firm grip. He has certainly been a loyal ally to the U.S., but when an ally turns on his own people and their freedom, it is time for him to go.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Freed terrorists behind U.N. bomb

Still, there are some activists out there who advocate for humane treatment of terrorists and proper judicial processes. I guess that is fine with me if we are willing to stomach their actions and the ramifications of allowing pure hatred back on the streets.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

New travel rules leave Native Americans in limbo

It seems the relationship between tribal governments, which are sovereign entities, and the state and national governments still needs to be worked out.

The new travel requirements are confusing enough for Americans with the proper documentation. I cannot even imagine how difficult this must be for the Native American community.

Guatemalans, Mexicans blending as families

"Inter-Latin American" families and culture will present an ever growing problem for the immigration debate here in the U.S. and the self-identification of immigrants.

Black men must reclaim our children

Roland Martin does a fantastic job of telling the truth with no spin. This same approach must apply, however, to all men - not just black men.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The GOP's Latino Problem

This is somewhat related to an article I posted earlier.

Rescuers search for bomb survivors

It is an unfortunate day for Algeria, and I am sure the free world condemns these senseless attacks and will continue to commit to the global war on extremism.

Hollywood officials say China has started banning American movies

Not a surprise to me at all. When I was in China, I saw condensed versions of a few American films. Completely banning them is another solution, I guess.

Monday, December 10, 2007

NY Philharmonic to perform in North Korea

Music has always been an international language.

This could be a good move on our behalf.

Opposition to take part in Pakistan elections

The upcoming elections are massive test for Pakistan's democracy. It must prove that it is responsive to the will of the people or else Musharraf will continue to lose support not only with the US but its other allies.

Putin names choice for his successor

Russia continues to be an enigma for US foreign policy and the international community. Unfortunately it is still living under Stalin's shadow.

France and Libya to sign contracts worth billions

Sarkozy is really playing the role France did not have under Chirac. It is a welcomed change and renews my faith in altanticism.

Fujimori goes on trial in Peru

Latin America is known for its idisyncratic leaders. Fujimori is no exception.

Sen. John McCain warns that Republicans may be driving Hispanics away

If the GOP is going to remain a viable national party, they must start embracing the Hispanic population. Hispanics are socially conservative and believe in limited government, strong national security and gradual reforms. As Ronald Reagan said, "Hispanics are Republicans, they just don't know it."

Sen. McCain is absolutely right.

Huckabee shakes up GOP race in South Carolina

Having attended a GOP function last night, I can definitely say Huckabee is creating a stir. He will be interesting to watch.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Syria blocks Facebook over Israeli "infiltration"

This is somewhat Orwellian. It is also reflective of how Syria functions in limiting individual liberty.

German security officials again seek ban of Scientology

Interesting position by Germany. As much as I personally disagree with Scientology, I do think that exercising a religion is out of the realms of legislation.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

New Jersey set to scrap death penalty

Capital punishment is extremely controversial. I tend to agree that we need to move away from it and find other solutions to deal with our most dangerous criminals. I will never understand the juxtaposition of being pro-life when it comes to abortion but pro-death penalty among the conservative wing of my party.

Rice wins support from 2 key allies on Iran

This is exactly the response that is expected from our allies.

Congress drops hate crime bill covering attacks on gays

This is definitely a set back for the gay community, which is disappointing and reflective of how narrow-thinking Congress is even under the Democrats.

Although I am a staunch conservative, I do think governments need to be blind to orientation.

For now, I am wondering why the hate crimes provision was attached to a defense spending bill...

Arizona's Jon Kyl wins No. 2 Republican spot in the Senate

Senator Kyl definitely has the tact and skills necessary to maintain a cohesive GOP presence in the Senate.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Less scary than we thought?

Of all the media attention I have seen regarding the just released National Intelligence Estimate on Iran, this is the best and most reasonable assessment.

The fact that the US intelligence community is coming out publicly and saying that Iran did have a program, though suspended since 2003 points out:
1) obviously Iran was pursuing nuclear weapons
2) our intelligence agencies are working
3) Iran continues to be a threat.

The last point is the most important. Iran remains a danger to Israel, the US, our allies and the stability of the international community. Even if they do not currently have weapons they still have an aggressive leader with hateful rhetoric.

How it was rigged

This is ridiculous. We thought Hugo Chavez was bad...

Two popular Mexican singers slain

The wave of violence that has swept Mexico is a direct result of increased prosecution of drug cartels. The Calderon administration has been aggressive in addressing this issue and deserves respect. A weak democracy is at stake, and the Mexican people do not deserve this.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Mayor pushes for changes in immigration policy

The City of Phoenix is essentially the epicenter of the immigration debate. I am glad Mayor Gordon and the City Council have taken the step to allow more police flexibility in detaining illegal immigrants.

Immigration is the foundation of the U.S., and it is also its future. Still, in order to preserve our freedom we must protect our laws and welcome legal immigrants willing to be a part of the American dream and not take away from our values.

Sudan frees Briton in teddy row

This proves how Islamic law and its enforcers may be too impulsive for the West.


Hugo Chavez has lost his referendum. There is no better victory for democracy in Latin America.



Sunday, December 2, 2007

Pro-democracy candidate wins legislative seat in Hong Kong

The largely autonomous Hong Kong should be a model for the rest of mainland China. I do think that in the coming century, China will slowly transition to a democracy. We shall see what the new leadership of the CPPCC will do in the next five year cycle as well as what impact the 2008 Olympics have.

An Enduring Peace Built on Freedom

This is why John McCain is my candidate for the Republican nomination and the future President of the United States of America.

The world in their hands; John McCain is the man to lead America

Fascinating article on the front-runners for President and their respective foreign policy views. The Economist raises a good point, "The next president will have no time to learn on the job."

With today's endorsement from The New Hampshire Union Leader, the only Republican candidate with the necessary experience to be president is Senator John McCain.

"Competence, courage, and conviction are enormously important for our next President to possess. No one has a better understanding of U.S. interests and dangers right now than does McCain."

When the money machine blows up

Labour's latest scandal has Gordon Brown stuggling to demonstrate the leadership of his new government. Is a Conservative resurgence on the horizon?

Mystery Man

With South Africa emerging as a dominant world player, learning about the country and its leader is crucial to understanding the new role it will play.

Rudd, glorious Rudd!

The election of the Labour Party and Kevin Rudd will mark a change in the dynamic of Australia's foreign policy. It will be interesting how the Australian public will react to Rudd; hopefully, the eleven consecutive years of economic growth continue as well.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

French riots point to race divisions

The issues of "multiculturalism" and "diversity" are important to recognize. However, when does inclusion take too dominant of a role? As John Rawls' "maximin" theory goes, ameliorating the worst off is honorable, but not at the cost of societal strains. France, under the visionary leadership of President Nicolas Sarkozy, is at a pivotal crossroads. It is reminiscent of 1960s America and a look into the future of Western Europe as well as the immigration debate in the US.

Turkish cabinet gives green light to army, which attacks Kurds

In direct result of the poorly-timed Armenian genocide resolution, Turkey has taken a more assertive role in the Iraqi conflict. This is only further destabilizing the country, particularly in the successful Kurdish region. Hopefully, this new Turkish involvement does not jeopardize progress in Iraq.

Putin's phoney election

This is an assault on democracy in Russia and a mockery of the Russian people who only want progress and freedom.

Dems punish Michigan for early primary

Finally the Democratic leadership does something right. Really, it is absolutely appropriate. The frenzy over the primary season is only hurting the campaign process.

At Guantánamo, no right to confront accusers

Although I agree with the civil liberties provided for by the Constitution, I do not believe they should apply to terrorism suspects who have proven intentions to harm and kill or have done so already. They have vowed to attack freedom, so why should it be extended to them?