From the Desk of the Blogger

For years we have been hearing about the challenges for freedom in the face of globalism and conflict. This blog will explore the prospects of liberty and democracy in the context of immigration, education, diplomacy, philosophy and ideology among other interests and experiences of mine.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Less scary than we thought?

Of all the media attention I have seen regarding the just released National Intelligence Estimate on Iran, this is the best and most reasonable assessment.

The fact that the US intelligence community is coming out publicly and saying that Iran did have a program, though suspended since 2003 points out:
1) obviously Iran was pursuing nuclear weapons
2) our intelligence agencies are working
3) Iran continues to be a threat.

The last point is the most important. Iran remains a danger to Israel, the US, our allies and the stability of the international community. Even if they do not currently have weapons they still have an aggressive leader with hateful rhetoric.

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