From the Desk of the Blogger

For years we have been hearing about the challenges for freedom in the face of globalism and conflict. This blog will explore the prospects of liberty and democracy in the context of immigration, education, diplomacy, philosophy and ideology among other interests and experiences of mine.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sarkozy, Rudd visit Afghanistan

The NATO commitment in Afghanistan is at a precarious crossroads. If I have one criticism of Iraq, it is that it has shifted focus away from the U.S. role in Afghanistan.

Still, what the Northern Alliance was able to accomplish in the country is remarkable - a functioning government, constitutionalism and newfound freedom.

France's new dynamic president is an archetype of effective Atlanticism. Kevin Rudd of Australia does have a new mandate but he realizes he cannot abandon his nation's crucial part in Afghanistan.

Perhaps the presidential candidates should emulate their leadership and resolution.

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