From the Desk of the Blogger

For years we have been hearing about the challenges for freedom in the face of globalism and conflict. This blog will explore the prospects of liberty and democracy in the context of immigration, education, diplomacy, philosophy and ideology among other interests and experiences of mine.


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Benazir Bhutto | 1953-2007

It is a sad day for Pakistan and her democratic process.

I doubt there was involvement by current President Pervez Musharraf though there undoubtedly was terrorism and possibly low-level military involvement.

Now the elections seem unlikely, turmoil has ensued, and the world is reacting in shock and anger.

Regardless of politics, Bhutto was committed to her country.

This year has seen tumultuous events for Pakistan, and this tragedy only exalts the perilous crossroads and implications for freedom.

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