From the Desk of the Blogger

For years we have been hearing about the challenges for freedom in the face of globalism and conflict. This blog will explore the prospects of liberty and democracy in the context of immigration, education, diplomacy, philosophy and ideology among other interests and experiences of mine.


Monday, January 14, 2008

Republican voters, in big shift, favor McCain over his rivals

This is good news for Sen. McCain. I stood by him in 2000, during the criticisms of the Iraq war, during the immigration debate, in his near-melt down last summer, and continue to do so today.

He is what our country needs right now - not the ambiguous "change" message.

My friend Todd Moellenberg, a freshman at the University of Texas - Austin, puts it best:

It's less about his [McCain's] political stances and more about my belief in his genuineness and consistency between his expressed opinions and Congressional actions. It's his steadfast rationality; the fact that he consistently loses popularity when running is because he doesn't shape shift as a candidate. I think every other candidate lacks such a quality, instead pandering to the crude will of the people rather than qualified logic.

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