From the Desk of the Blogger

For years we have been hearing about the challenges for freedom in the face of globalism and conflict. This blog will explore the prospects of liberty and democracy in the context of immigration, education, diplomacy, philosophy and ideology among other interests and experiences of mine.


Friday, July 4, 2008

New and Not Improved

Obama is already balking on promises from the primary season. He will probably do everything possible to appear as a centrist and disown his liberal roots and tendencies just to win votes. There is nothing inspiring about this candidate.

A Man of Seasonal Principles

Obama is quickly becoming the standard Washington politician he has been speaking out against. His policy shifts are blatant rejections of his own "change" and a testament to his narcissism, megalomania and flawed character of so-called humility and convictions.

Bush's Third Term

As Obama runs to the center, he is quickly embracing the legacy of the Bush agenda more than Sen. McCain.

The Audacity of Cynicism

Obama is constantly changing positions without any regard to the rhetoric and promises he so eloquently champions on the campaign trail.

What Iraqi Expats Are Saying Now

Despite the negative press and ridiculous calls for pulling our troops, the US must remain in Iraq. This is no longer about our reasons for going to war, but to support our forces and most importantly, the people of Iraq who yearn for effective self-governance and liberty.

Mugabe's African Pals

The democratic leaders of Africa must exert pressure on Mugabe. The time to act is now, or else they will share the collective burden of supporting a ruthless despot

Does Zimbabwe Need a President?

The Mugabe regime is a disgrace to the world, Africa and the people of Zimbabwe. It is now time to do away with the tyrant.

China's Inside Game

The momentous Beijing Olympic Games are a testament to the emergence of China. It still has much to prove, however, to the world.

Not Winning the War on Drugs

Though progress has been made, our current strategy should be revisited and revamped. The pervasive drug trade is a detriment to stable and healthy economies and society.